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General Academy Information


What is the Academy's daily, weekly, and yearly schedule?


Daily/Weekly Schedule:

Comm. Central Academy classes meet for thirty weeks:  fifteen weeks in the fall and fifteen weeks in the spring.

  • K4-4th Grade classes meet on Wednesdays from 9:30 am - 3:55 pm.
  • 5-8th Grade classes meet on Wednesdays from 9:15 am - 3:55 pm.
  • 7-8th Grade students have the option to meet on Fridays for supplemental instruction in composition, science, and math as well as additional electives.

Yearly Schedule:

  • See the school calendar on the website for the following:
    • first and last days of each semester,
    • scheduled breaks, and
    • special events.


What grades are offered at the Academy?


All grades are offered: K4-8th grade.


How many students are in each class at the Academy?


Class sizes are limited as follows: 

  • K4-K5:  10 students each
  • 1st-2nd Grade:  12 students each
  • 3rd-4th Grade:  16 students each
  • 5th-8th Grade:  16 students each


What does “Comm.” stand for?


“Comm.” stands for communication. We believe that communication, both written and verbal, is an important aspect of the Christian life. One can possess knowledge and Truth, but it is powerless if they lack the communication skills necessary to share it with those in their spheres of influence.

“Comm.” stands for community. We believe that God designed us to be in community with one another in all we do. The Academy provides opportunities for friendships to be forged.


If we are new to Comm. Central, will my students be behind?


Instruction for every subject, regardless of grade level, provides all the necessary information for success. While there's a learning curve with any new program, students can thrive with strong parental support, patience, a willingness to ask questions, and three weeks of experience.


What history/science rotation is the Academy studying in Elementary/Middle School this year?


The history rotation is as follows:

  • 2025/2026 - Year 1 World History I: Creation through the fall of Greece 
  • 2026/2027 - Year 2 World History II: Ancient Rome through the Reformation
  • 2027/2028 - Year 3 World History III: Thirty Years' War through the Persian Gulf Wars
  • 2028/2029 - Year 4 American History: Founding through the War on Terror

The science rotation is as follows:

  • 2025/2026 – Year 1 Life Science
  • 2026/2027 – Year 2 Earth and Space
  • 2027/2028 – Year 3 Chemistry and Ecology (K4-2nd Grade:  Swimming and Flying Creatures)
  • 2028/2029 – Year 4 Physical Science (K4-2nd Grade:  Land Animals)


What subjects are covered in the curriculum for Elementary and Middle School?


  • History
  • Literature
  • Science
  • Christian Worldview (In literature/history/science discussions)
  • Oral Communications
  • Latin (3rd-6th Grade)
  • Bible (3rd-6th Grade)
  • Composition (3rd Grade and up)
  • Grammar (3rd Grade and up)
  • Math (7th Grade and up)


Why does Comm. Central curriculum include Latin?


  • All of the Romantic languages are derived from Latin: French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Romanian. Learning these languages is easier with a strong foundation in Latin.
  • A vast majority of English words are based on Latin roots, so the knowledge of Latin increases one’s English vocabulary.
  • The language of many disciplines is based on Latin roots: law, medicine, philosophy, and engineering.
  • Understanding grammar is an intricate part of studying foreign language, so the study of Latin is one of the best ways to cement your knowledge of English grammar.
  • Translating Latin is an excellent mental exercise that forces students to attend to the task. They can not fake their way through it.


What core subjects are not covered in the curriculum?


  • K4-2nd Grade: Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Math
  • 3rd-6th Grade: Spelling, Math


Why doesn’t Comm. Central include math until 7th grade?


  • We believe that math, like phonics, should be taught to mastery and each student should progress at his/her own pace.
  • The Academy does offer math beginning in 7th grade where students can select a math course appropriate to their level of mastery.


How much do the books needed cost?


  • Total cost of books ranges between $230 and $310 per student 3rd through 8th grade. 
  • The cost for additional students within the same family will not double because of the inclusion of teacher guides and texts that only one per family are required. 
  • Parents with students below 3rd grade can expect the cost of books to be considerably less depending on optional material purchased. The cost of high school books depends on classes selected.
  • Once you receive the curriculum list for your student’s grade, you can see the store recommendations below where you can set up a wish list that will calculate your exact curriculum cost.


Do you have any recommendations on ordering books?


  • A great online store for ordering homeschool curricula is Rainbow Resource:  http://www.rainbowresource.com
  • Any book not carried by Rainbow Resource can be found on Amazon.
  • For local purchase, Mardel’s Christian Bookstore carries many of the books Comm. Central requires.


Does the Academy place group orders on books to save on shipping?


  • No, if you spend $50 or more at Rainbow Resource, shipping is free.
  • You can join Amazon Prime for free shipping.
  • You can order through Mardel’s and have your products shipped to the store free of charge.


What are the tuition fees for attending the Academy?


Click HERE to see the tuition rates and fees for the 25/26 school year.


What is your refund policy?


The Academy's refund policy is as follows:

  • The Family Membership Fees and Student Registration Fees are non-refundable.
  • If your student needs to make a course adjustment within the first six weeks of school, tuition will be pro-rated for the time of attendance and refunded as needed minus a 20% administration fee.  If your student is attending other classes, the refund will be applied as a credit to the following semester.
  • No tuition refunds will be given after four weeks.
  • No refunds will be given for items paid for with Learns Act funding.


How does the Academy maintain student records?


  • Grades are provided for 3rd-6th grade for the following assignments:
    • Composition
    • Literature Presentations
    • Oral Comm. Presentations and Digging Deeper Reports
  • The Academy keeps complete records for students 7th grade through high school through the use of an online record keeping service; however, the parent is ultimately responsible for final grades.


What if I don’t want my child who is attending the Academy to do all of the assignments?


It is our desire that all parents aspire for their students to complete all assignments to the best of their ability. It can be very discouraging for the teacher and other students in the class to have a discussion and others not be prepared.

If your student has a learning difference or an IEP on file, please visit with us about accommodations that can be made.


What are the Academy’s policies for missing school if we are on vacation or sick?


There is a two-week extension on all assignment deadlines to allow for illness, vacation, or other extenuating circumstances.  The assignment will initially be marked as missing, but will be updated if the assignment is submitted within the two-week grace period and the teacher is notified.


What is the Academy's Statement of Faith?


The Academy's Statement of Faith is as follows:

  1. God is One, existing eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
    (Matthew 3:16, Matthew 28:19, John 10:30, 2 Corinthians 13:14)
  2. Humanity is fallen and separated from God, who is holy and perfect.
    (Isaiah 53:5-9, Romans 3:23, 1 Peter 1:15-16)
  3. Jesus Christ bore the eternal penalty for our sins through His death on the cross.
    (Luke 24:46, 1 Peter 2:21)
  4. Jesus Christ bodily resurrected, ascended to heaven, and will return one day to establish His eternal Kingdom.
    (Matthew 28:6, Revelation 19:11)
  5. Salvation is found only through Jesus Christ and His grace, which offers deliverance from eternal punishment, adoption into God’s family, and the gift of eternal life.
    (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 6:23, Romans 8:11, 1 John 1:9)
  6. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God, and it is the ultimate truth for Christian faith and practice.
    (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21, John 17:17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Psalm 19:7-11, John 6:67-69)
  7. The Biblical definition of marriage is the union between one man and one woman, established by God as a sacred covenant for life.
    (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-6, Ephesians 5:31-33)
  8. Gender is a gift from God, created by His design as male and female, and should be respected and embraced according to His will.
    (Genesis 1:27, Matthew 19:4, Mark 10:6)


What is Comm. Central's Dress Code Policy?


  • No short-shorts
  • No short skirts (should be at least mid-thigh in length)
  • No midriffs showing
  • No cleavage showing
  • No T-shirts with crude or suggestive messages


What is Comm. Central's student behavior policy?


  1. Dress appropriately, use common sense, and be modest (see Dress Code above)
  2. Report to class on time.
  3. No electronics/phones out during class without teacher permission.
  4. No eating in class.
  5. Treat teachers and classmates with respect both in actions and language. This includes being attentive and compliant in class.
  6. Treat facility property with respect. Students caught disrespecting or damaging facility property may be required to write a letter of apology and/or financially account for damages.
  7. No cheating or plagiarism. Consequences will range from a warning and a request for resubmission to a zero on the assignment. Multiple offenses will result in progressively more severe consequences including possible dismissal.
  8. Do not leave campus during scheduled class times without permission.
  9. Remain in areas designated for classroom/school use. Do not wander around the facility or campus outside of designated areas for your age group.
  10. Facility vending machines, ice machines, kitchen equipment, utensils, coffee, and coffee supplies are for facility use only. Do not use or take these items. See policy “f” above.
  11. No stealing, swearing, or aggressive behavior.
  12. No public display of affection.
  13. No physical or emotional assault or bullying.
  14. Do not bring any object to school that may be considered dangerous or a weapon.
  15. Do not bring alcohol, illegal drugs (or paraphernalia), or prescription drugs to school.


What is Comm. Central's discipline policy?


  • The school directors will investigate any report of misbehavior and determine appropriate discipline as necessary. 
  • Disciplinary consequences will vary according to the frequency and severity of the infraction and may include but are not limited to the following:
    • Warning/Admonishment
    • Parent Meeting
    • Letter of apology
    • Suspension
    • Dismissal
  • All disciplinary decisions are at the discretion of the Comm. Central directors.